Friday 9/17 morning: plenary session, afternoon: parallel sessions

  Buffon auditorium
Session 4 (08:30-10:10) - Science 2 chair: N. Ross
08:30-08:55 Galaxy evolution results (Maraston 20+5) - slides - video
08:55-09:20 BOSS Clustering results (Padmanabhan 20+5) - video
09:20-09:45 Planet-finding methods and possible candidates (De Lee 20+5) - slides - video
09:45-10:10 High-dispersion followup observations of SEGUE stars (Lucatello 20+5) - slides - video
10:10-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Machine gun talks (wiki) - video1, video2
12:00-14:00 Lunch
  Buffon auditorium IAP, Salle des séminaires IAP, Salle du conseil
14:00-15:30 BOSS (Ly-a science) wiki SEGUE (wiki)
15:30-16:000 Coffee break
16:00-17:30 BOSS (Gal clustering) wiki APOGEE MARVELS


1930 Coco dinner